Monday, May 7, 2012

Cherry Liqueur

Photo from
An interesting recipe for Cherry Liqueur just came my way via Annie Samuelian Alexanian. I’m in a hurry to post this because the cherry's peak season is just about over. So rush to the market while fresh cherries are still available!

In order to make cherry liqueur, start with the best cherries you can find, add the necessary ingredients, and let it ferment so that it will be ready to serve by Christmas.

Annie says:
“For one kilogram( 2.2 lbs.) of cherries, (I use the) same amount of sugar. I use whole cherries stems removed. I add half bottle of gin and half bottle of arak (it's like vodka with anise flavor) adding whole cloves and cinnamon sticks. I keep the jar for several months,@ xmas time it's ready to be served after being chilled in the fridge."

Clarification: When Annie says she keeps the cherry mixture in the jar for several months, the jar is kept at room temperature. Once opened, keep the jar in the refrigerator.

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